Craniosacral Therapy

Visceral Manipulation or Visceral Osteopathy is a therapy that was developed by Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral, a french osteopath, in the 70´s. In the 90´s he started working with his     colleague Alain Croibier developing and teaching this

technique all over the world and founded the Barral Institute, in the US in 2006.
This therapy is used to find and balance distortions through the body, since in the visceral system (all the visceral organs and adjacent structures), when an organ can’t move in harmony it will go against other organs, muscular structures, membranes, bones and   fascia, creating disruptions and pathologies.

Applying very specific, soft manual manipulations, there is a stimulation of the normal function and movement of the organs and adjacent structures, originating a positive impact in the whole body preventing disease.

Questions about Visceral Manipulation?

Applying gentle and specific manual manipulations, the Osteopath stimulates the normal mobility of the organs and adjacent structures, causing a positive impact on the entire body, thus avoiding dysfunctions that may give rise to diseases.

When there is any discomfort or complaint such as digestive problems, women's health problems, emotional problems, musculoskeletal disorders, injuries. People of any age can receive treatment.